Yawman And Erbe Mfg Co File Cabinet
Antique 2 Section 8 Drawer Wood Yawman & Erbe Mfg. File Cabinets -Very Good. Antique 2 Section 8 Drawer wood Yawman & Erbe Mfg. File cabinet. We're not made to stand alone, there are finished panels only on outsides. Inside butting ( see picture no.9 ). Total measurements. The YE301 Single Sided Key is for YALE LOCK and Yawman + Erbe FILE CABINETS. During the year 1883, the Shannon Arch File, with all its patents and other rights, was purchased by a Rochester concern known as the Schlicht Field Co., who had only a selling organization, possessing no manufacturing facilities.
Early Filing Devices Small Antique Files & Filing Devices This exhibit has two parts: (1) Letter and Document Files and (2) Data Files. Letter and Document Files Desktop Devices.. Letter Clips Earliest patent 1843 (England) Earliest advertisements c. (England), 1848 (U.S.) The John Johnson Collection Exhibition 2001, Bodleian Library, University of Oxford, included a c. Advertisement by W. Davison, Alnwick, for letter clips.
In the late 1860s, Wm. Staehlen, New York, NY, advertised letter clips in the form of a hand, a wheatsheaf, a shield and flag, and a scroll.
Letter clips were still advertised in 1919. Merry Phipson & Parker's Letter Clips, patented 1843 & 1845. These are fairly common, so it is reasonable to infer that they were sold for many decades. Left: Patented 1872 Right: Van Horn Clip, patented 1876, advertised 1881 The base of the, patented 1880, was offered separately as the Novelty Paper Clip in 1881. Clips, patented 1877 & 1878 Novelty Clip, patented 1880 Regarding the clip to the right, notice that the clip is in the shape of a keystone (the stone at the top of an arch).
The company that produced Blair's Keystone office supplies operated from 1880 to 1865. As of 1888-90, J.C. Blair was the proprietor of Blair's Keystone Stationery Manufactory, Huntingdon, PA. As of 1917, the company name was J. Wynford Dore Program Exercises For Plantar.
Blair's Keystone Clip, Blair's Keystone Stationery Manufactory, Huntingdon, PA, patented 1885 & 1886. Auto Files Earliest patent 1889 Patented 1889 Paper Weights Earliest advertisement 1847 Earliest patent 1876 (combination paper weight and pen holder) In the late 1860s, Wm. Staehlen, New York, NY, advertised oval, round, and stork paper weights. Combination Paper Weight and Clip, patented 1876, advertised 1885-87, 1911. Advertised 1878-1911 Advertised by A C McClurg & Co, 1891. Similar octogonal paperweights were advertised in 1878-1911 Straight Files (a.k.a.
Paper Files, Stick Files, Spear Files) Earliest patent 1878 Earliest advertisement 1869 Grigg & Elliot, Philadelphia, PA, advertised 'paper files,' c. 1850-60, but there is no illustration. In the late 1860s, Wm. Staehlen, New York, NY, advertised 'straight wire' bills files. Image coming Patented 1878 Zodiac pattern, Tiffany Studios, NY, NY, c.
1900-20 Hanging Files (a.k.a. Harp Files) Earliest patent 1872 Earliest advertisement 1878. However, in the late 1860s, Wm. Staehlen, New York, NY, advertised 'long hook' bills files. These may have been hanging files, but the advertisement was not illustrated. Patented 1872 Patented 1903 Paper Files Earliest patent 1870 Earliest advertisement 1886 Hustler Duplex File, Advertised 1910 Laphan's Paper File, Patented 1870 Keep's Transfer File, patented 1883. Advertised by Wm.