Norton Ghost 12 Dos Version 4
Norton Ghost 12 Dos Version Games. Vast selection of software. Pdb Palm Database Converter Tool more. Free Shipping on Qualified Orders. Luckily I have found an direct download of Ghost.exe (DOS-version. For many years, Norton Ghost (now a Symantec product) was a favorite tool among administrators and technicians seeking to clone a disk. The single-machine version of the program is essentially a Linux live CD that puts a simple menu structure around common cloning and imaging tasks. BIIIIIIG IIP GIIIITIIIIIS: You can use either a Windows or a DOS client for administration. Symantec's Ghost Professional and Micro House's ImageCast Deluxe both provide complete soluAuto Sim Fa-lea Chen: 0 SDI-H6 [Mb/rII I Percent tumble Curtrvecrsd cum llne Ebert Counl til was mi; 44 H 5 Mb Ilmnniled 32 Inn Elaosed.
I'm testing the Win7 Enterprise edition, and ran into a 'known incompatibility' message when installing Norton Ghost 12. Feeling adventuresome (since it runs perfectly well with the RC1 version), I clicked 'install anyway', downloaded the latest updates from Symantec (over 200 MB as I recall) and have been successfully running Ghost 12 ever since, just like I've been doing with the RC1 version (Win 7 32 bit version) since May. So my question is WHAT compatibility problem? I searched Symantec's Web site and didn't see anything there, and have seen posts here pointing to incompatibilities with Ghost, but it's working perfectly well for me. So I must ask, is there some hidden gotcha that's one day going to jump out and huff and puff and blow my house down?:-) If so, I'd sure like someone to tell me what it is!