Modern Siren Program By Rori Raye Website
Take Yourself From 'Insecure' To Magnetic - Fast If you've ever been seeing a man - and very carefully not been demanding or had a 'talk' about where the 'relationship is going,' not pressured him or asked for any kind of commitment - and then he says 'I need space.' As if you HAD been pressuring him, I know exactly how frustrating that can be. You want to scream 'I didn't ask you for a commitment!' And that's where the problem is.
No matter what we do and say, our 'vibe' is what our man hears. He may not know how, but he knows what you 'really' want even if you're hiding it not only from him, but from YOURSELF. How does that work? And how can we solve this so that we don't lose a man for EITHER reason - either because we don't make it clear what we really want and so we somehow seem like we're 'withholding' or pretending' to be one way when we really feel another way - or by flat-out pushing and pressuring him? It's all so easy if you're not in love with him. I mean - if you feel like he's a friend, and you don't have the 'tingles' when you're with him and you don't care if he calls or if you see him - it's easy.
In that situation, there isn't ANY part of you that wants MORE. You're probably looking for the man you REALLY want to show up, and are just 'making do' with the guy in front of you now. But what if you DO care for a man? What if you DO feel the 'tingles' and you DO want MORE with him? And what if you tell him you DON'T want more, and try to be casual? What if you never mention your dreams for your own future? What if you 'play it' casual?
Well - what happens when we try to take the pressure off of a man by steering clear of our REAL desires for a REAL relationship is that we make him feel UNSAFE. That's right.
Modern Siren Works! By Rori Raye. To read about my Modern Siren program (and see some video clips of it). About Rori Raye. Modern Siren Program By Rori Raye. 7/14/2017 0 Comments. One of my friends suggested I register at his website. Who Is Rori Raye? Hi, I’m Rori. Modern Siren Program By Rori Raye Books. Modern siren program ebook found. Online shopping from the earth's biggest selection of books, magazines.
And I know it sounds wrong, because you'd think it would do the opposite. You'd think he'd feel SAFE. Because this is what he 'gets' from being with us: He 'senses,' on a deep level, because of the 'vibe' we put out, and because we can't help feeling what we feel on some level we might not even be aware of (we may think we're so good at 'playing' it casual we don't realize that he can pick up on our 'seriousness' anyway) that we WANT him, and WANT a relationship with him - but that, for some reason, we're holding back on letting him see how we really feel. And the moment he picks up that you're holding back - he feels unsafe. He figures, on some deep level he's not even aware of, that if you can't handle YOUR feelings - you certainly won't be able to handle HIS feelings. Men are a mass of jumbled emotions just as much as we are - and their biggest dream for love is to be totally ACCEPTED for who they are - ALL parts of them. That's what makes them feel safe.
And if you don't love and accept yourself completely - even the parts of yourself you think are weak, ugly and yucky - then he'll have difficulty feeling safe with you. Even your boundaries in what you will and will not tolerate from a man make him feel safe. He feels that if you can take care of yourself emotionally, his emotions - and his secrets - will be safe with you! To really learn how to do this - how to make a man feel safe and draw him in close to you, and how to keep that balance of WANTING a real, close, intimate relationship, and letting him SEE that, without pushing him away by asking HIM to provide it for you, you'll want to sign up for my free e-letters and take a look at my new program 'The Modern Siren'.
I know this balance of inner strength and outer softness seems very subtle - but you can do it so easily. It's a very 'organic' process, from the inside out - and it's FUN! Here's a letter from Laurie, who's struggling with this issue - she' hasn't 'demanded' anything from her man - so she's upset that he suddenly needs 'space': 'Dear Rori, I recently downloaded your e-book on 'Have the Relationship You Want' because I know I have a problem. However, it wasn't my own mind that made me act upon downloading it - it was a 5 month dating 'relationship' that started my search. Online Banking System Project In Java With Source Code there. I meet this quirky guy on St. Patrick's day just this year.