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Bachelor of Commerce (B.Com. Smith And Wesson Model 915 Manual Dexterity here. ) The B.Com. Degree of the University of Mumbai imparted at the H.R. College of Commerce & Economics is recognized as one of the best of its kind in India. Students are not limited by traditional boundaries between academic disciplines, but can choose from a wide range of subjects.
The roots of any professional qualification are laid at an undergraduate program. While being part of a degree program student obtain a wide perspective of the economy, changing work environment, altering demographics and various career options that are available. Without a recognized degree program, students are not qualified to register themselves for any specialized programs that would give them a competitive edge over others. Also, while being part of this program students can enrich themselves by developing effective communication skills and shape themselves as responsible citizens. Students begin with a two-year core program, i.e. Junior College which provides a comprehensive introduction to the study of commerce related subjects. In Degree College the students can select major and other optional subjects.
Flow The Psychology Of Optimal Experience Mobile. This course aims at: • Preparing students with a strong foundation in Commerce, which is a great asset in qualifying for any specialized postgraduate course. • Providing adequate basic understanding about Financial Accounting and Auditing & Marketing concepts to the students and giving them adequate exposure to the operational environment. • Creating an understanding of Business Economics and issues related to the Indian Economy. • Inculcating interactive training, and practical approach in students through tutorials, group discussions, projects, and using modern technology in teaching the students. Foundation Course HUMAN RIGHTS SEMESTER - III • Meaning,development and evolution of human rights.
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Important Land marks the American Declaration of Independence and the Bill of Rights. The French Declaration of the Rights of Man,the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. • Human Rights and its Constituents Political,Civil,Economic and Social Rights. • Human Rights Practice in the International Context,The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. Convention on the Elimination of All forms of Discrimination Against women.
United Nations Declaration on Children Right to Development. • Enforceability of Human Rights. Download Ip Man Mp4 Free. International Court of Justice.
United Nations High Commission on Human Rights. • Rights and duties in the social and political context with special reference to Fundamental Duties incorporated in the Indian Constitution. SEMESTER - IV • Fundamental Rights and Directive Principles of State Policy. Civil Liberties in India and special reference to Freedom of Speech and Expression (including Free Press). Repressive Laws such as National Security Act,Armed Forces Special Powers Act.
• Rights of disadvantaged groups including women,children,scheduled castes &minorities. • Nature and functioning of the National Human Rights Commission of India. The role of Non-Governmental Organisations (such as Peoples Union for Civil Liberties) and Movements (such as Chipko, Narmada Bachao Andolan) in protecting Human Rights.