Douglas Mcgregor Theory X Theory Y Pdf Creator
Motivation and Leadership in Social Work Management. Motivation and Leadership in Social Work. McGregor's Theory X – Theory Y. Douglas McGregor developed the. Douglas McGregor – A lasting. McGregor, via his Theory X and Theory Y core assumptions. McGregor, Douglas. The Human Side of Enterprise, New York. Douglas McGregor: Theory X and Theory Y Chris Argyris: Recommended greater autonomy and better jobs for workers. Rensis Likert: Stressed the.
Advocates the application of scientific methods to analyze work and to determine how to complete production tasks efficiently. Frederick Taylor: discovered that production and pay were poor, inefficiency and waste were prevalent, and most companies had tremendous unused potential. Time and Motion studies-task divided into basic movement and different notions were timed to determine the most efficient way to complete a task.
PIECERATE SYSTEM: Workers motivated by money. Workers paid additional wages when exceeding a standard level of output for each job. Henry Gantt: Expanded piecerate system by suggesting frontline managers receive bonus for each of their workers who completed assigned daily tasks.
Gantt Chart: helps employees and managers plan projects by task and time to complete those tasks. Frank Gilbreth: Developed a system to lower costs and increase worker productivity by showing how employees could work smarter, not harder.
Nuovo Cinema Paradiso Torrent Ita Dvdrip. 'Motion Studies' were used to identify and remove wasteful movements so workers could be more efficient and productive. Lillian Gilbreth: Mother of modern management. Focused less on technical and more on human side of management. EX) the factory Henry Ford built to produce the Model-T.
Emphasizes the perspective of senior managers within the organization, and argues that management is a profession and can be taught. Henri Fayol: 5 functions of Management-planning, organizing, commanding, coordinating, controlling. And 14 principles of management in his book.
Chester Bernard: Outlined the role of the senior exec-formulating purpose of the org, hiring key individuals, and maintaining organizational communications. Mary Parker Follett: Emphasized continually changing situations managers face. TWO KEY CONTRIBUTIONS: the notion that managers desire flexibility and the differences between motivating groups and individuals. Emphasized management as a profession along with law and medicine. Understanding how psychological and social processes interact with the work situation to influence performance.
First major approach to emphasize informal work relationship and worker satisfaction. Emerged from a research project that began as a scientific management study. Hawthorne studies-Investigate the influence of physical working conditions on workers productivity and efficiency. Managers should stress primarily employee welfare, motivation and communication.